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Federica Cotecchia

Area 08 - Ingegneria civile e Architettura
tel: +390805963338
curriculum vitae: [scarica]

ricevimento: Tutti i giorni dalle 12,00 alle 13,30 e dalle 15,00 alle 16,00


Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Elenco pubblicazioni presenti nel  Catalogo dei prodotti della Ricerca


Collaborazioni internazionali

Experimental studies, in the laboratory and in the field, of the hydraulic, mechanical and thermal behaviour of clays and of the impact of their history and microstructure on their response at both the element and the field scale

  • Imperial College of London - Londra (REGNO UNITO)
  • University College of London - Londra (REGNO UNITO)
  • University Politecnica de Catalunya - Barcellona (SPAGNA)
  • Laboratoire 3S-R, Universite Joseph Fourier - Grenoble (FRANCIA)

Experimental studies, in the laboratory and in the field, of the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of soft rocks and of the impact of their geological history and microstructure on their response at both the element and the field scale

  • University of Malta - Msida (MALTA)

Advanced site-specific diagnosis of the landslide mechanisms through smart integration of geological, geomorphological, geophysical and geomatic data with geotechnical investigation data, monitoring data and coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical numerical analyses of the evolution of the slope equilibrium with time, aimed at the development of sustainable mitigation measures for risk reduction

  • Imperial College of London - Londra (REGNO UNITO)
  • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - Barcellona (SPAGNA)
  • Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Skopje (MACEDONIA)
  • Universite de Lausanne - Losanna (SVIZZERA)

The hydraulic effects of plant crops, in particular deep-rooted and of high transpiration capacity, on the stability of slopes and on the local climatic conditions, focusing on the mathematical formalization of the phenomena involved in the thermo-hydro-mechanical interaction occurring at the slope-atmosphere interface. Field test and monitoring combined with THM coupled numerical analyses, aiming at devising sustainable nature-based solution for risk reduction

  • University Politecnica de Catalunya - Barcellona (SPAGNA)
  • Technical University of Delft - Delft (PAESI BASSI)

